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Sea food market en Torrevieja 2024 (Alicante)
1 Oct 2024

Sea food market en Torrevieja 2024 (Alicante)

Autumn in Spain is the time of street markets, such as: medieval, Roman, craft fairs and sailor. This year, as in previous years, Torrevieja will organize the Mercado Marinero on the Paseo...

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Golf courses in Costa Blanca
8 Jul 2024

Golf courses in Costa Blanca

Thanks to the Mediterranean climate we can spend a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, every day the most popular sport is golf. In the Costa Blanca area, some developers are building residential...

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What clients say

Property for Sale in Los Balcones Torrevieja

The price of second-hand housing fell by 0.7% in 2016 in Spain, to 1,552 euros per square meter

The Valencian Community is one of the areas of Spain where second-hand housing has risen in price (2.5%), although it remains one of the regions with the cheapest housing prices in Spain.

Second-hand housing in Spain is returning to normal with a marked positive trend, despite the small year-on-year decline. The price of used housing fell by 0.7% in 2016 to 1,552 euros per square meter, while in the third quarter of the year there was an increase of 1.3%.

By Autonomous Communities, the highest increase has been recorded in the Canary Islands, where the price of second-hand housing is 7.8% higher than a year ago. Behind it are the Balearics (5.3%), Catalonia (3%), Valencia (2.5%), Andalusia (1.5%) and Madrid (1.1%).

On the other side are the decreases registered in La Rioja (-5%), Aragón (-4.9%) and Castilla-La Mancha (-3.5%). The rest of regions, except Murcia, which has kept its prices stable with respect to a year ago, have registered decreases in the prices of second-hand housing.

Basque Country, Madrid, Baleares and Catalonia, the most expensive regions to buy used housing.

Taking into account the price per square meter, Basque Country, with an average price of 2.506 euros per square meter, has continued to head the most expensive communities. This is followed by Madrid (2,375 euros per square meter), Baleares (1,972 euros per square meter) and Catalonia (1,901 euros per square meter).

The Valencian Community, one of the regions with the cheapest prices.

In addition, the regions with the lowest prices for used homes are Castilla-La Mancha (919 euros per square meter), Extremadura (939 euros per square meter), Murcia (1,044 euros per square meter), La Rioja Per square meter), and Castilla y León and Comunidad Valenciana, which have average prices of 1,186 euros per square meter.

E-Style Spain offers you a wide range of property for sale in Los Balcones, Torrevieja.

At E-Style Spain we are an honest, recognized and trustworthy real estate company whose team is able to provide expert advice and quality in several languages. We provide you with an indisputable quality service, and all the advice from start to finish, taking care of you and guiding you through the whole process.

When buying a house many questions arise, and being close to a team of experts to help you with the inevitable paperwork is very important when deciding on one real estate or another.

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