News: Five ways to reduce your household's energy use

Five ways to reduce your household's energy use

Being able to reduce the household's energy consumption is something that must be very present in all households, not only because of the savings at the end of the month, but also because society is increasingly aware of the importance of reducing household's energy use.

Five ways to reduce household's energy use

One of the best ways to start reducing the energy consumption of the home is changing all the bulbs, replacing them with LED bulbs. This class of light bulbs consume up to 80% less energy, give much more light than traditional and last much longer.

Leaving the electronic devices with the standby mode activated may seem that they do not consume too much electricity but ... did you know that this can amount to 2.3% of the total electricity consumption of the home? The most advisable thing is to turn off completely those devices that are not exclusively necessary. We will only leave those that require electricity such as the refrigerator, telephone, alarm, etc.

When the summer season arrives and the air conditioning is turned on, the windows and doors must be closed. You cannot let the cold escape. In this way it would be wasting energy and the room in which we are will never have the desired temperature.

The same happens when winter arrives. You have to control the temperature at which the thermostat or the heating of the home is placed and only activate it in that room in which we are. Always with doors and windows closed to prevent the heat from leaving. If the home has double-glazed windows, the heat loss will be reduced.

We cannot forget the washing machine, one of the appliances that consume more electricity and water. To reduce your energy consumption, it is recommended to wash in short programs and preferably with cold water. The energy expenditure will be considerably reduced, something that you will see on your bill when the end of the month and the bills arrives.

26 Sep 2018

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