News: Garden care tips for your Costa Blanca home

Garden care tips for your Costa Blanca home

To help ensure that your outdoor space is well maintained before the summer arrives, take a look at our spring gardening tips.

1. Now is the time to clean your garden. Rake and remove all the leaves. Also, stay on top of weeds, removing any when they appear.

2. Healthy grass is the best weed preventer you can get. The more you take care of your lawn, the better quality it will become, meaning less weeds. In addition, cutting your grass regularly will help to thicken the grass.

3. Your soil needs revitalizing after the winter, so it is time to add moisture. Use organic material like compost or manure. You might need to add more fertilizer to increase the health of the soil and the life of your plants.

4. Prune shrubs, roses and perennial vines. Remove dead branches and shape plants once new growth appears.

5. Once the garden is in shape, you will want to turn your attention to new plants, including azalea, poppy, jasmine, gladiola and geranium. They will all look great in the garden of your Costa Blanca property.

29 May 2017

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