News: Tips to decorate your property in Costa Blanca South, Spain

Tips to decorate your property in Costa Blanca South, Spain

You can make the most of your house in Costa Blanca with these great design and decorating tips.

- A little styling can transform a small bedroom into a restful retreat. For instance, a customized headboard with built-in nightstands and a pendant lamp can save you lots of space. A corner desk can also act as a nightstand.

- You can give an old table a fresh new look by painting the base high-gloss white. This will give the room a light, bright feel.

- Closet mirrors in the master bedroom expand the sense of space. Replacing your closet doors with a new style can make all the difference. You just need to choose the right type of door to maximize your bedroom's style.

- You can solve your storage crisis with drawers underneath your bed for extra space. Choose the paint and hardwood you prefer to create the look you want.

- Covering the walls, headboard and bed skirt in the same fabric can help unifying a small room. Upholstering the walls will give your room a sense of scale and depth.

17 Feb 2017

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