News: ​Alicante-Elche airport served 8.3 million passengers up to August

​Alicante-Elche airport served 8.3 million passengers up to August

Passenger numbers at the Alicante-Elche international airport have risen by 16% to 8.35 million up to August, which represents the most significant rate of growth at any of Spain's 20 busiest airports.

With the remaining months of 2016 expected to be really busy, the Costa Blanca airport is on the way to reaching the 12 million passengers mark by the end of the year.

Up to now, the highest number of passengers using the Alicante-Elche airport is the 10.5 million which was achieved in 2015. The next busiest airports in Spain are those of Palma de Mallorca, Málaga, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

Almost half of the passengers travelling to and from Alicante-Elche were on UK flights, while the second most important market was Germany followed by the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium.

Spain as a whole and particularly the Alicante coast are becoming a more popular destination for international tourists looking for sun and sea.

14 Sep 2016

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